Kuroyama Budokai
Dedicated to the study of Japanese Budo Arts

All Japan Kendo Renmei
Jodo is the study of the application of a 4 foot wooden staff using effective body positioning and techniques to defend against an attack from a sword. Training involves the study of Kihon (basic movements) both Tandoku (solo) and Sotai (paired) and Kata forms comprising both attack and defence movements.
The Kata are the basis of a system of training that offers significantly challenging yet rewarding study. The movements are often simple but can be very difficult to master. Ongoing practice builds the skill and understanding needed to perform each kata with precision and control.
Jodo origins & background.
Jodo has its origins in 17th century Japan with the founder Muso Gonnosuke, a master of kenjutsu (sword) and bojutsu (6 foot staff). Legend has it that he developed the Jo as a weapon to successfully overcome the famous swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi. The art of Shindo Muso Ryu (SMR) Jodo subsequently became one of the combat arts of the Kuroda Clan based in present Fukuoka until the 20th century when it was transmitted throughout Japan, and more recently the world.
The Seitei Jodo curriculum was developed in 1968 for the All Japan Kendo Renmei (ZNKR) as a compact subset of Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo by Shimizu Takaji the 25th headmaster of the SMR school.
Jodo training at Kuroyama Budokai.
Study at Kuroyama Budokai principally involves the ZNKR Seitai Kata and Kihon. For more advanced students, deeper study of Iaido is achieved through the practise of SMR.

Instructing Team.
Our lead Instructors are:
Damon Schearer - Renshi Rokudan (6th Dan)
Brendan Kee - Renshi Rokudan (6th Dan)
Andrew Thompson - Godan (5th Dan)
Our assisting Instructors are:
Lee Walsh - Sandan (3rd Dan)
Governing bodies.

International Kendo Federation (FIK) is the internationally recognised world-wide federation of national Kendo, Iaido and Jodo.
Australian Kendo Renmei (AKR) is the FIK recognised organisation in Australia. It is also recognised by the Australian Sports Commission as the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) to develop Kendo, Iaido and Jodo in Australia.
ACT Kendo Renmei (ACTKR) is the AKR recognised affiliate organisation for the development of Kendo, Iaido and Jodo in the ACT.