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About Jodo Gradings

Guidelines & eligibility

Jodo gradings are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Kendo Renmei (AKR).  Candidates are required to have:

  • current AKR membership and ACTKR membership, and

  • have undertaken regular training for the prescribed period  (min 3 months for Kyu grades).  

The Kuroyama Budokai interpretation of "regular training" is two sessions per week or equivalent timeframe.


Kyu gradings are generally held at the end of each term for eligible members.   Dan gradings (up to Nidan) are held at the end of term mid year and end of year.  


Although gradings may be possible to higher levels than Nidan, as a general policy the Kuroyama Budokai will refer members attempting Sandan and above to National Level Gradings such as those conducted in conjunction with the annual Australian Jodo Seminar & Championships (AJSC).

Application process

Following a discussion with senior instructor(s) regarding eligibility and readiness, candidates are required to register and pay the grading fee (candidates who are unsuccessful in passing a grading will be refunded the fee minus and admin charge).

AKR Grading Requirements

Dan Grade (Yudansha)

Candidates are required to perform the below selection of 5 pre-determined kata.  This is consistent with AIJSC gradings and those conducted in Japan by the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei.

  Shodan - Kata 2 - 6

  Nidan - kata 3 - 7

  Sandan - Kata 5 - 9

  Yondan - Kata 7 - 11

  Godan - Kata 8 - 12

Yudansha are also required to submit a written paper.

Kyu Grade (Mudansha)

Candidates are required to perform the below selection of pre-determined kihon and kata.

  4th Kyu - Sotai Dosa 1,2,3,4

  3rd Kyu - Sotai Dosa 5,7,9,11            Kata 1

  2nd Kyu - Sotai Dosa 6,8,10,12         Kata 1 - 2

  1st Kyu -                                               Kata 1 - 5

The All Japan Kendo Renmei Seitei Jodo manual (2018) provides a key points on correct form for each Kata.

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