Kuroyama Budokai
Dedicated to the study of Japanese Budo Arts
All Japan Kendo Renmei
Aikidō Shoryukai 合気道正流会
Support to Kuroyama Budokai Members
The below teachers have provided notable support to the growth of Iaido and Jodo at the Kuroyama Budokai either through delivery of seminars in Canberra, supporting member visits to train in Japan, or through delivery of training ant Australian Kendo Renmei seminars.
Describe your image
ODA, Katsuo
小田 克夫
Iaido Hanshi 8th Dan
Technical Advisor (Iaido) to AKR 2000-2015
Lead AIJSC 2000-2015
Shizuoka Prefecture (vale 2020)
佛井 淑子
Jodo Renshi 6th Dan
Support to AIJSC 2011-2019
Support to AJC 2023
Hosted ACT members to grade to 6th Dan in Jodo
Shizuoka Prefecture
村上 賢史
Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan
Jodo Kyoshi 7th Dan
Supported ACT members study in Japan preparing for 4th and 5th Dan gradings in Iaido or Jodo
Miyagi Prefecture
HIGASHI Mitsuhisa
東 充久
Jodo Kyoshi 7th Dan
Iaido Kyoshi 7th Dan
Technical Advisor (Iaido) to AKR 2000-2015
Lead AIJSC 2000-2015
Nara Prefecture
松本 保典
Iaido Kyoshi 8th Dan
Jodo Kyoshi 7th Dan
Delegate to AIJSC 2018-2019
Saitama Prefecture
小田 克夫
Iaido Hanshi 8th Dan
Jodo Kyoshi 7th Dan
Delegate to AIJSC 2006 and 2010
Tokyo Prefecture (vale 2021)
Describe your image
長山 國照
Jodo Kyoshi 7th Dan
Iaido Kyoshi 7 Dan
Technical Advisor (Jodo) to AKR 2000-2015
Lead AIJSC 2000-2015
Annual ACT seminars 2008-2017
Supported ACT members to grade in Sendai to 4th & 5th Dan in Iaido or Jodo
Miyagi Prefecture
小田 克夫
Tokyo Prefecture
Iaido Hanshi 8th Dan
Jodo Kyoshi 7th Dan